Timeline of Events

Melbourne 1985 - 1988

  • 1985: My birth
  • 1987: Dan's birth
  • 1988: The family moved from East Melbourne to Burleigh Heads

Burleigh Heads 1988 - 1997

  • 1988~1997: Wendy and Jamie lived here with us for some period of time
  • 1988/1997: Interesting childhood, violence ended in 1997

Miami 1997 - 2002

  • 1998: I started year 8 at The Southport School
    • Laura Steel, G&T coordinator, expresses a concern about my consistently negative thinking doing de Bono Thinking Hat exercises
Isolation to hide abuse
  • 1998/2002: Deliberately isolated from friends at home (at first, opportunistically, when mum is not around - only Dan and a friend from school would witness)
Laura Steel noticed something
  • 2000: Laura Steel is disturbed after I was forced by dad to write an apology note for something I did not do (my lack of emotion delivering a deeply emotive apology note is likely what disturbed her)
  • 2000: Family took an unusually long trip around Australia during term, I'm pulled out of school for 2 or 3 months
  • 2001: Self-harm cuts and scars not questioned at home or at school
  • 2002: Laurien described my emotional instability to me: "One minute you love me, the next you hate me. It happens almost every day."
Manipulation to hide abuse
  • 2002-11-03: Suicide attempt, no hope for the future
    • "Are you going to be OK?" "no" - hospitalised for the night, instructed to see a psychologist as part of being released
  • 2002-11-13: Dr. Mark Whittington suggests CBT, mum interrupted him to ask me if I want to come back for therapy,
    • I declined because I'm terrified of people but I rationalise: "I have always been like this"
    • Dr. Whittington objects, says it's inappropriate to make a mentally ill child responsible for medical decisions
    • Mum: "It needs to be Grant's choice"
    • Dr. Whittington suggests to arrange a follow-up with someone at school where I would be more comfortable, never happens
  • 2002-11: Graduated OP 3, depressed, anxious, didn't attend formal or schoolies, rarely left bedroom

Sydney 2003

Miami 2003 - 2006

  • 2003-11: Returned home having failed both semesters - my depression deepened. I was told to work
    • I applied for the DSD (my resume) and I was shortlisted - I felt a little bit of optimism
Support, or joke at my expense?
  • 2003-12: Flown to Canberra for interviews and tests, which seem to go well, until:
    • Breakdown during psych eval after I could only answer a question by talking about my depression, anxiety, isolation
    • Calles home afterwards traumatised, dad answered the phone, suggested the problem is the psychologist
    • Not surprised to receive a rejection letter the following week, too depressed to apply for any more jobs
  • 2004-01-13: dad found the "perfect job for me"
    • Rather than therapy, I was instructed to work for Insane Technologies and to do a handstand for his amusement
  • 2004: Prescribed my first of many antidepressant medications, mum accompanies me on the occasions I see doctors
  • 2004-03: I stopped talking to Laurien because I still couldn't admit to her I was rejected from the DSD
  • 2005-11: I quit my job at Insane, working had only made me more depressed

    • I told my parents I want to try uni again: "everything went wrong the first time"
    • "ok, but we aren't wasting money on you, you have to pay" (unlike Dan)
  • 2006-01-13: Mum & dad gave me a copy of their wills for some reason - I told myself "you just got written out"

Support, or taking advantage?
  • 2006-04: Mum & dad bought Coorparoo property, and tell me I will qualify for rent assistance if I rent it from them with Youth Allowance
    • I agreed to give them ~90% of my income, already aware other promises were lies
  • 2006-05: Dr. Whittington prescribed anti-anxiety medication, to take as needed. Not leaving my bedroom often, I rarely need it

Coorparoo 2006 - 2010

  • 2006-06: First semester QUT failure, still too anxious to meet people on my own, no-one at home helped me. I reconnected with Laurien online
  • 2006-07: While visiting Laurien in Wagga Wagga, I had a medication-related blackout after a panic attack entering Unibar
    • Called home the following morning confused and scared, dad answers:
      • I asked to speak to mum. dad yelled, "Grant's making up some bullshit", and I hung up the phone
    • I stopped taking anti-anxiety medication
  • 2006-08-24: Laura Steel changes location, her last TSS newsletter submission
  • 2006/2009: Isolation, depression, university failures, part-time work to make ends meet, sometimes visited the Gold Coast
    • In 2007, I gave up on treatment and stopped going to the clinic
    • Over time, my family stopped responding to me when I speak
      • A little bit traumatised when I saw mum trying not to smile when I looked up at her from the table to see why she isn't responding to me any more
      • I became used to talking and being ignored, but over time I stopped trying to talk to my family
  • 2009-07: I experienced a prolonged anger at Laurien after she made fun of me when I asked her for help
    • Described as regressive discharge, a consequence of the 25 years I had spent suppressing anger as a result of abuse
Deliberate failure to act
  • 2009-07-29: Laurien became afraid of and for me, she contacted Dan on Facebook and asked for help, and forwarded my threats (suicide threats and a threat to "ruin" Laurien)
    Laurien's message to Dan in 2009:

    "Whether you believe it or not i care about your brother a great deal. I just can't do this by myself... I feel like im the only person he really talks to and i just cant handle it on my own... i cant just ignore his irrational behaviour not until i know he's being helped"

    • Dan responded, "ok we'll see what we can do"
    • Dan then blocked Laurien
    • Dan did not help Laurien or me - I was not even made aware of her message - and I continued to send Laurien abusive emails and text messages

  • 2009-07-31: Laura Steel changes location: departure notice in Djarragun newsletter
They wanted this to happen
  • 2009-08-10: Laurien was now terrified and she contacted New South Wales police, who called my parents and asked to speak to me, at which point I calmed down
    • Still no-one helped me, talked to me or ever mentioned the event again, and my depression deepened, without Laurien and now in complete isolation
  • 2010-02-10: Substance use: mushrooms, cannabis
  • 2010-04: I turned 25 and no longer qualified for youth allowance, so I was told to return to Miami - my parents knew I was too anxious to attend NewStart appointments

Miami 2011 - 2013

  • 2011-mid: For the first and only time Dan introduced me to a small group of people - who just happen to be drug users
    • We got along, they seemed nice, but I only saw them twice, and then never again
    • In 2022 after I thanked Dan for at least trying to help me, he responded, "I don't know what happened to them"
  • 2011-10: Substance use: LSD, amphetamines, I made some friends
  • 2012-04-16: I turned to my parents for help, suggest I might have ADHD, and I told them I wanted to go back to the clinic
  • 2012-04-17: Laura Steel cancels her ABN (and requests historical details suppressed - unusual - is she hiding?)
Manipulation to hide abuse
  • 2012-05: Evandale Clinic
    • Mum & dad were present (to appear supportive? to ensure I don't say anything they don't want to hear?)
    • Dr. Whittington was sceptical about ADHD until he learned amphetamine use began 6 months ago
      • He would later warn me about the "inappropriate involvement" of my parents (I should have trusted him more)
    • A psychologist who assessed me for ADHD mentioned an attempt my parents made to meet with clinicians privately
    • Dr. Trevor Lotz: "Hello Grant... and Grant's parents, for some reason"
      • In 2023 Dr. Lotz pointed out that the choice my parents proposed regarding going to the clinic (psychiatrist OR psychologist) is a false dichotomy - I needed both
    • ADHD diagnosis made a significant difference but I continued to struggle with undiagnosed PTSD symptoms
  • 2012-07: Reconnected with my family - mostly Wendy, Jamie and mum - before I was pressured to work and get a job in Brisbane

Miami 2015 - 2018

  • 2015-01/2018: Moved back in with mum and dad at Miami
    • Too depressed to work, refused ADHD medication
    • Still too anxious to attend NewStart appointments on my own
    • Mum and dad told me they can't afford to feed me, only Dan
      • Someone helped keep me alive
Support, or sadism?
  • 2016-01-18: Traumatic dentist visit in Mermaid Central
    • I didn't want to lose a tooth, so in front of the staff I begged dad for a phone call to my old boss Barry, to borrow the money for root canal, and work it off
    • dad: "No. You're in the chair now and I'm paying for extraction"
    • He remained in the room to watch me hyperventilate while the tooth was extracted against my will
    • The staff commented on how disturbing my distress was
    • Never returned to the dentist, next tooth that hurt, I let rot until it fell out on its own

Biggera Waters 2020 - 2022

  • 2020-04/2022-10-08: I left Brisbane and moved in with mum & dad
    • I was planning to stay a month or two but it turned into an indefinite stay
  • 2020-10: Laura Steel changes location: moved away from Second Avenue in Burleigh Heads
  • 2020: dad proudly told me he bought a $100,000 car with the money made from Coorparoo - knew it
He only wanted the x rays
  • 2020: Mum accompanied me to dentist and radiologist for dental X-rays, and I began saving $40k for dental work
He only wanted the house
  • 2021-05: I reached $40k in savings, but was then pressured into saving $100k for a home loan deposit instead
    • Mobile home loan vendor visited for a pre-approval application
  • 2022: Mum & dad spent a significant amount of time looking for "the house I want to die in"
dad makes the same mistake he made with Wendy
  • 2022-06-07: Some time after Dan's wedding news, I was depressed enough to open up to dad
    • I told him I felt my future is bleak, that I had struggled alone my whole my life and that things had barely improved
      • dad said, "i think you've had a really tough life", then hugged me, and said, "it's because you made bad choices"
      • I didn't know what exactly what or why, but it felt wrong and something inside told me: "think about it"
  • I now know:
    • Malignant narcissists blame family scapegoats (like Wendy and I) for things they secretly know were caused by them, they get off on it
    • dad had told Wendy some 10 years ago that "Jamie's problems are your fault"
      • Meg will almost certainly lie about it now, but I relayed that information to Laurien in 2023 via Facebook Messenger
    • Wendy knew exactly what this meant and she never spoke to him again for the rest of her life
      • dad's decade-long silence may as well be considered an admission that he caused Jamie's problems
      • I have also personally observed this behaviour with Dan (as well as his silence when it's not secret knowledge any more)
  • 2022-06-08: Over the following days, I considered all of my bad choices, working my way backwards through my life
Narcissistic injury causes dad to bring up Laura Steel in relation to abuse and me
  • 2022-06-17: I messaged Dan asking if I was abused by dad. Dan told me no, only punished. I accepted this, at the time
  • Later that day, spoken to dad, messaged to mum: "i think i might be a victim of abuse", still unsure who or how though

  • 2022-06-18: Apropos of nothing, dad: "Laura Steel was a victim of your abuse"
    • When I asked him what he's talking about, he said my failure at UNSW in 2003 led to her "having to leave TSS"
    • I messaged Dan to ask if he knew what happened to her, he told me he doesn't remember her. I requested he ask Stephen Eardley, Dan never responded.
    • dad returned to say he misspoke, but then had very noticeable difficulty explaining why he even brought up her name after 20 years
It was planned in advance
  • 2022-07: dad's weird pill display
    • At one point while I'm doing a puzzle, dad sat down next to me and and "organised" his wallet, but seemed to deliberately put one item much closer to me as though he wanted to make sure I see it
    • It looked something like a single one of these but not exposed, and larger with more foil area
    • I sensed he was doing something weird and deliberately ignored it
    • dad gave me a puzzle for the first and final time
Mum and dad's holiday
  • 2022-08-04: Mum and dad left for a 6 week caravan holiday around Australia
  • 2022-08-18: I reached out to Laurien regarding the blackout in 2006 at Wagga Wagga (misremembered as 2003)
    • I told dad what I had learned and that Laurien had helped me fill in the blanks
The secret visit?
  • 2022-08-25: Mum unexpectedly returns home
The failed murder attempt?
  • The evening she arrived, mum made me dinner and sent me links to anxiety support groups and singles groups
  • Not long after I fell asleep that night, I woke up gasping for breath in a very disturbing manner:
    • I had experienced nothing like this before or since
    • The first breath upon waking in particular was extremely deep, loud and very abnormal
    • It was as though I had stopped breathing in my sleep for a long time - paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea maybe?
    • I went upstairs to ask mum if she had heard anything, because it was such a loud noise. She said she hadn't
    • After I described what happened, mum asked me if I wanted to go to hospital
    • I went back downstairs and slept on the couch in the living room, and it sounded like mum did the same, upstairs
  • The second time it happened:
    • Too fearful to go back to sleep, concerned about why this is happening, had mum heard, is she asleep?
    • The first time I messaged Laurien with concern for my life: "Like 95% sure my family is trying to murder me.."
    • I didn't sleep again until after 3 AM, my heart rate felt a little off, and I read the Wikipedia heart rate article
  • The following morning I felt fine, decided nothing untoward had happened, not mentioning anything to anyone other than to Laurien on that night
  • 2022-08-26: Mum spent an exceptionally long time shredding documents
    • Overtly suspicious, enough to fill a wheelie bin: this became the only interesting thing I recalled about this visit
    • We also had a couple of arguments with raised voices about childhood trauma and dad
    • We talked about me moving out sooner, but after things calmed down mum said I can stay at Iluka
  • 2022-09-03: Mum returned to her holiday
  • 2022-09-07: Mum's message from Bowen: "please don't [tell Robin] I was there at all"
    • Was Robin supposed to find my body?
  • 2022-09-15: Mum and dad returned home
    • Within an hour both had made the same claim of a false accusation
    • I immediately left, disturbed and confused by this blatant gaslighting, messaged Dan about it later
  • 2022-09-18: Returned home and found the spare keys had been moved
    • Mum allowed me to stay after I told her I'd transferred the $7,000 dad had told me I owed him on the 15th
  • 2022-10-07: Dr. Lotz referred me to a psychologist in a telephone appointment, overheard by dad
    • That evening, I had a mental breakdown after being made fun of by mum at dinner - who described my choice to avoid therapy at 17 as "hilarious"
    • The second and final time I messaged Laurien with concern for my life: "it might be tonight, pretty sure"
      • (deliberately omitted that suicide was the concern)
    • I made the first of three $25,000 transfers to my parents that night and over the following 2 days
    • My parents did not intervene or help me, but were aware of what was happening
  • 2022-10-08: I was taken to Iluka first thing in the morning

Iluka 2022

Finally talking to a therapist
  • 2022-10-12: First appointment with Daniel
    • I didn't mention my childhood, nor did I mention any of the events that occurred after June 7th
  • 2022-11-02: Second appointment with Daniel
    • Daniel told me my attachment type and pushed me to make my next appointment in person
  • 2022-12: I read that disorganised attachment is associated with child abuse. In infancy. By primary caregivers
  • 2022-12-26: Mum and dad came to Iluka on Boxing day
    • I tried to talk about what I'd learned from Daniel, only to have the denials of the past 6 months replaced with silence
    • I started feeling unsafe sleeping in the same house as them, and I left that night under a pretense - it's the last time I see them

Biggera Waters December 2022 - January 2023

Dan: "now he is out on his own because they cant take his shit anymore"
  • 2023-01-06: I was made homeless immediately after I invited mum to speak to my psychologist
  • 2023-01-07: I reached out to my aunts Wendy and Meg
  • 2023-01-08: Visit Meg in Natimuk and learn some important family history
  • 2023-01-12: Wendy offers to let me stay with her until I find an apartment
  • 2023-01-17: Return to the Gold Coast, Wendy requests I stay elsewhere for the week as "the risk is already high"
    • My family refuse to answer my phone calls

Kirra, Coolangatta, Tweed Heads 2023

Dan: "I did everything I could to help"
  • 2023-01-19: I forwarded Wendy's messages to Dan, pointing out that my staying there that week would put her life at further risk
    • "didn't think it was an issue to stay there", did not offer to help anyone, "that's on you"
It was planned in advance
  • 2023-01-24: Wendy kidnapped and murdered
  • 2023-02-08: I gave a statement regarding Wendy & Jamie at Broadbeach CIB
  • 2023-03-25: Twelfth appointment with Daniel
    • It was sadistic child abuse: summary sent to Meg, invitation sent to mum to discuss and reconcile as family
Sadistic legal abuse as a response
  • 2023-04-11: Meg wished me happy birthday and threatened legal action in the same message
    • "happy birthday", but, "you and your psychologist are slandering Michael"
  • 2023-04-12: Daniel informed me of a legal threat sent to the clinic on my birthday regarding my messages to Meg and mum
    • Daniel was unconcerned, pointed out the letter shows only concern for themselves and their reputations, zero concern for me or my welfare
      • "unconvincing way to demonstrate no abuse occurred"
    • I noted it was never actually "actionable" given the text message was edited to omit the invitation
    • Called Meg to try to understand why. Meg answered the phone with the words "just like Jamie", refused to verify false beliefs, was comfortable intimidating and threatening people supporting me on the basis of those beliefs, and remained disturbingly calm while doing so
      • Blocked forever
How they plan to cover it up: lie
  • 2023-06-10: Laurien contacts Dan, pretends I hardly talk to her and never about family, and asked why I was kicked out. This is what Dan said:
    • "His most recent drug period (about a year ago) he went wildly off the rails"
    • "Mum and dad supported him over the last 15 or so years"
      • Is this believable?
    • "he became really delusional making up stories"
      • Could not provide a single example, this is claimed in the hope you dismiss without verifying
    • "hes put mum and dad through hell (and me, and our aunties too)"
      • Wendy was put through hell, Dan just got called a fuckwit
    • "now he is out on his own because they cant take his shit anymore"
      • Inviting mum to talk to my psychologist was the final straw?
    • "we have done everything we can to help him to no avail"
      • Is there any evidence of them EVER HELPING at all?
    • "PLEASE dont repeat any of this to him"
      • oh ok right, yeah
  • 2023-06-11: The last time I send a message to dad's phone

Kirra November 2023 - May 2024

Interesting theft
  • 2023-11-16: No longer homeless
  • 2023-11-17: After moving everything from the storage facility, I learned that "my belongings" do not include:
    • my dental X-rays (a picture's worth a thousand words)
      • interesting choice to steal medical records?
    • 6 or so hard drives with sensitive work data, notably ID doc scans for ML training
      • interesting choice to steal PII?
      • later contacted former employer to work out whether this constitutes a notifiable data breach
    • Later noticed mum's will is also missing
  • 2024-02-14: Laurien and I started looking for Laura Steel, concerned about what it was that dad was talking about
    • First asked Stephen Eardley if he knew what happened to her after 2003, then searched social media and looked through old TSS newsletters
  • 2024-02-17: Learned of Marion Barter from Bill Edgar's Facebook
    • Noted that locations and approximate dates of bank withdrawals line up with where we lived and travelled, and that Iluka was a very small town in 1997
  • 2024-02-19: Concerned that Laura Steel had disappeared like Marion Barter, rather than just assuming she doesn't want to be found
  • 2024-02-20: Learned Wendy's will was updated less than 8 weeks before her death
  • 2024-02-21: Contacted Missing Person Marion Barter Facebook group for help, noting coincidences & similarities - ignored
  • 2024-02-22: First of several attempts to get in touch with Queensland police regarding Wendy's case
Inquest into the disappearance of Marion Barter concludes
  • 2024-02-29: NSW State Coroner declared Marion deceased and placed the date of her death at some time after October 15th 1997 - the cause, place, and manner of her death could not be determined
    • The report makes little mention of TSS and none of dad, and term dates all but rule out a direct involvement in NSW in October
    • Marion's mention of "a betrayal" at TSS - could this relate to a position at the school?
  • 2024-03-01: I requested a copy of a probate application made by Laura Steel
  • 2024-03-05: I discovered Laura Steel's ABN was cancelled (and had historical details suppressed) the day after I called my parents for help in 2012
    • Began to see that her other movements appear to follow the same pattern: is that what dad was talking about?
  • 2024-03-09: Attempted to explain my concerns to a friend - she remains dismissive, particularly about Marion, but still advises I go to the police
  • 2024-03-11: I noticed that mum asked me lie to Robin to conceal her visit in August 2022
    • Sent Robin a screenshot of mum's message, hoping she might consider that she has been lied to - ignored
  • 2024-03-12~13: August 25th 2022 looks even more like an attempt on my life now, and explains behaviour since
    • Made Crimestoppers reports stating my concern for Laura Steel (and her son)
      • At the time, I could only provide my phone messages as evidence to support this concern
      • At least one of these reports also mentioned Wendy's name - I'd hoped the investigation into her murder had already brought light to the issues with my family
  • 2024-03-13: SDC Search & Copy Counter emailed me Laura Steel's probate documents
    • After I saw the documents appeared legitimate, and that Laura Steel had family in 2018 and didn't appear isolated, my concern lessened but still remained
    • I messaged a former coworker on LinkedIn: "Hey JP. I heard you had a rough time last year. I think I am about to have a rough time also, and I could use your friendship"
  • 2024-03-14: Former coworker visits and I see if my concerns can be explained - he remains dismissive
  • 2024-03-15: Laurien visited for a week, to help me make the police reports
  • 2024-03-17: I reached out to Bill Edgar on Facebook, who confirmed that dad knew Marion - but remains sceptical
Writing it all down
  • 2024-03-18: I start writing this document
    • Based on this concern:
      1. If dad had something to do with Marion Barter, and/or
      2. If August 25th 2022 was an attempt on my life, and
      3. If Laura Steel has been repeatedly victimised into hiding
      4. Laura Steel may be a witnesses to something, and
      5. Laura Steel and other witnesses may be at risk
    • I documented:
      1. The events that suggest Laura Steel may have been repeatedly victimised into hiding
      2. An apparent murder attempt planned immediately after Laura Steel's name came up
      3. The patterns of behaviour spanning 25 years consistent with malignant narcissism
        • joyful cruelty: sadism, remorseless abuse and exploitation, paranoia, Machiavellianism, controlling behaviour, lack of empathy, deceit and aggression
    • With the intended goal of:
      1. Ensuring police perform an informed welfare check on Laura Steel, and
      2. If necessary, investigate further
  • 2024-03-19: I received a phone call from QPS in which I was given Alana's email address to send any information I may have
    • I mentioned the Crimestoppers reports from the previous week in the phone call
    • I emailed my phone message export that evening, adding that I can provide context if needed
  • 2024-03-28: I asked Bill Edgar for help with making these reports - he ignores my messages from this point forward
  • 2024-03-30: Document complete, sent via email to QPS, starting with my concern for Laura Steel but primarily focus on Wendy and Jamie
    • Mentioned the experience Wendy and I both went through with dad, and what that meant for Jamie
    • Mentioned the failure to act when Wendy was at risk, comparing to the events of 2009
    • I'm told that the Crimestoppers reports were never received, and advised to file another for other victims
    • Stated my concern that members of my family appear to be willing to murder to cover up something related to Laura Steel
  • 2024-03-31: Sent to Crimestoppers:
    • Crimestoppers QLD regarding Laura Steel's safety - ignored
    • Crimestoppers NSW regarding Marion Barter - ignored
  • 2024-04-16: Sent to Crimestoppers NSW again, adding that QLD had ignored Laura Steel - ignored
  • 2024-04-18: I began to isolate in fear of having talked to too many people for too long without anyone having taken my concerns seriously, and I became increasingly depressed
  • 2024-05-23: Message sent to Laurien: "No-one actually cares or believes me. It's the worst possible situation, and I am terrified"
  • 2024-05-24: WhatsApp conversation with a neighbour, regarding my isolation:
    • Neighbour: "I worry about you young man"
    • Me: "I worry about everyone else and the consequences of not being believed again"
The consequences
QPS ignore the sudden death of a witness
  • 2024-06-10: I contacted Queensland police via email asking for some details about mum's death
    • I mentioned I can't trust my father, that I found it suspicious that mum die suddenly given my recent reports, I stated my concern again for Laura Steel, and my concern he would hurt Laurien or someone else
    • police refused to investigate, I'm told to ask my family (and thereby potentially exacerbate the situation)
    • I forwarded this email to Laurien, a friend, a former coworker, and later, Daniel McStay and others
  • 2024-06-12: Noticed that mum's will - and only mum's - was missing from my belongings
    • For some reason, I wasn't able to get a copy of mum's will from her solicitors
Mum's cremation
  • 2024-06-13: After Robin and dad refused to repeat mum's cause of death in a text message, I walked to Coolangatta police Station to report my concerns
    • It was made clear to me that one possible motive was already known to the police, but that they refused to investigate
    • I was advised to ask the funeral director - she told me there's nothing suspicious about mum's death, but wasn't able to provide mum's cause of death or answer any questions about the nature of circumstances of her death
  • 2024-07-08: Baxters sent me mum's will after 25 days
Attempted double-homicide as a response
  • 2024-07-25: Filed a report with the Australian Federal Police stating my concern that mum had died as a result of QPS's selective enforcement of the law and requested a response, expected within 28 days - ignored
It was planned in advance
  • 2024-08-22: 2 AM incident involving an acquaintance - later that day, he thanked me for warning him of the danger he was in
  • 2024-09-09: Resigned from Red Hat having not received the support needed to leave the country

  • 2024-11-16: Contacted Reaburn Solicitors via email regarding Wendy's estate, wondering if executor fraud or misappropriation of Wendy's estate was a motivating factor for the events of the 22nd of August

  • 2024-11-18: Meg stalks my Facebook profile. Still no response from Reaburn, however