The response at 2 AM


  • Filed a report with the AFP stating my concern that's QPS selective enforcement of the law had led to the death of my mother which they were refusing to investigate, and requested a response - expected within 28 days. Published that I had made this report


  • late afternoon: Robbie Milsom pranks me on Signal, so I called back asking, "You called?". He said, "I didn't mean to" and then offered to drop by. That's a whole bunch of red flags. I said, "Sure thing"


  • mid morning: Robbie drops by wanting to borrow some money for something. I tell him, "_It's not a good time for me, right now, it would be very risky"

    Robbie pressured me, until I said, "OK, but only if there's no pressure coming from someone else". He assures me there's no-one else involved, then asks, "What do you mean by risky? Risky to who?"

    I said, "I'll be fine. It's you I'm concerned [for]"

    We got into his car to go to an ATM. There was some small talk, then a moment of silence, and then Robbie said, "You know, i met your old man a while ago". I said, "I'm surprised to hear you've met him"

    I don't think they ever met, certainly not "a while ago". My father may have run into Robbie's partner once or twice, but I don't recall him ever encountering Robbie, nor had Robbie ever brought him up in conversation before - but I had mentioned my family almost every time I talked to Robbie over the past few months: I'd ask whether they'd contacted him, put pressure on him, and I would warn him they are dangerous and that they can't be trusted

    So it seemed just a little bit strange for Robbie to announce that he'd met dad. It seemed forced, like someone was trying to implicate my shit family

    Robbie said he'd be back pretty quickly, an hour or so

  • late afternoon: I messaged Robbie asking "How you going?". He replied, "Don't message me". Pretty much what I expected

  • late evening: Still no word. Pretty much what I expected


  • 2:30 AM: Robbie calls 20 or so times - first via Signal and then mobile. Pretty much what I expected, so I ignored the phone, rolled over and went back to sleep, but not before sparing a thought for Robbie: I sure wouldn't want to be outside in the street at murder o'clock on night 27 of 28
  • early-to-mid-morning: Robbie visits and tells me some of what happened at 2 AM: two other guys were with him when he called me, and one of them was getting impatient. Robbie was on edge while he kept trying to reach me. Impatient guy said, "Let's just do the dealer", the other pulled a weapon out and when Robbie saw it, he fled


  • I post the above to Facebook, and over the following fortnight I notice dad (using mum's Facebook account) stalking my profile (the first time I had seen that since July), which was followed by Robbie's partner Dani doing the same (for the first time, as far as I'm aware)


  • late afternoon: Robbie calls, wanting to know why I've been avoiding him. Really, Robbie? I tell him it would be better to talk in person rather than on the phone, and suggest he drop by tomorrow if he'd like to discuss it.

    A few minutes later, he messages me saying he'll drop by tonight. Really, Robbie? I remind him, "tomorrow during the day would be better"

    Ten minutes pass before Robbie replies, "ok"


  • early afternoon: Robbie visits, unsurprisingly now claiming nothing untoward happened on the 22nd of August

    I remind him of the dangerous situation he's now in, explaining I can't talk to him and I can't help him if he's going to lie to me

    Robbie changes the subject, and asks if I want to get high. I tell him no, and he leaves in a hurry - before I could ask him any questions


  • I update the Facebook post


  • Contacted Reaburn solicitors via email regarding Wendy's estate, wondering if executor fraud or misappropriation of Wendy's estate was a motivating factor for the events of the 22nd of August


  • mid-afternoon: I noticed Meg had stalked my Facebook profile. Still no response from Reaburn, however

  • late afternoon: I noticed a new stalker of my Facebook profile, an Elanora resident working in private security named Brad Lowe


  • late morning: Robbie messages asking I'm OK. I message back that it "depends on if you did the right thing or if you're still protecting [these people] "

    He sends back, "Surely you don't think that low of me...", and tells me he will drop by later today to, "prove to you I'm not the guy you think I am!"

    I tell him, "I'll hear you out but that's it"

  • early afternoon: Robbie visits, and proves himself even worse than I could have thought

    I continued to remind him that he remains in a dangerous situation the longer he withholds the truth, because he represents a risk as long as remains silent. His denials became inconsistent even within the conversation and within recent established and verifiable events, and it started to seem as though he was just here to fish for information

    At one point, seemingly apropos of nothing, Robbie asked, "do you know Brad?". Not knowing any other Brad, nor having mentioned to him or written about Brad Lowe, I showed Robbie Brad Lowe's Facebook profile and asked whether that was who he was referring to. Robbie remained silent for a moment and then changed the subject

    In response to one of his denials, I asked Robbie, "well then why did you tell me [on August 21st] that you met dad?"

    Robbie responded, "because I met him when you were living at [Biggera Waters]" (in 2002) and then brought his partner into the room to a

    And while this didn't answer the question (and also served as another denial of recent contact), it was at least confirmation he brought up dad the day before the murder attempt


  • Message Meg Sleeman pointing out her choice to tip off Michael Sleeman - and indirectly, Robbie Milsom and Brad Lowe - makes her look like an accessory to this crime (assuming she's not an accomplice, given a motive to conceal executor fraud):

Hi Meg,

I hope you are well, though I am disturbed by recent events

Independent of the police, I have found evidence establishing a number of links between Robbie, Michael, and a third man known to both who I now believe was the man with the gun in my street on August 22

What disturbs me is that the for one of these links, the most reasonable sequence of events that fits the physical evidence I have involves some assumptions regarding the existence, time and nature of communication between Reaburn, you, Michael, and this third man [on November 18]

The first assumption is that Reaburn contacted you at some point no later than 3:30 PM and made you aware that I was preparing a police report regarding August 22. This is not disturbing, in fact he would have been reckless to withhold that fact from you

The second assumption is that that after Reaburn contacted you and before 5.30 PM, you contacted Michael and made him aware that I was preparing a police report regarding August 22. This would have come as a surprise to Michael, who, at the time, having kept a close eye on my Facebook, was under the impression I would be too terrified to ever file another police report

This also could only have come from Reaburn or from you, but I rather doubt any solicitor would be so reckless as to even suggest tipping Michael off

The third assumption is that after you contacted Michael and before 5.30 PM, Michael contacted this third man, directly or indirectly, and made him aware that I was preparing a police report regarding August 22

Now you know more than I do about whether any of these assumptions are the truth. Ultimately the police will determine what actually happened, and I am only speculating on the evidence available to me

I have to say though, if this true, at best you appear reckless, with no regard for the consequences of your actions, and not for the first time

At worst, you look like an accessory if not an accomplice

For my own safety and for the safety of others, I have to assume you will continue to act as an accessory and to that end I have not revealed to you anything that Michael isn't already aware I know, and I have no interest in hearing anything you have to say

Please make better decisions in the future